31 research outputs found

    Repenser le numérique au 21ème siècle

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    Le constat duquel part notre idée de colloque est très simple : tout le monde s’accorde à dire que la réflexion sur le numérique est une priorité, mais l’on est encore loin d’avoir une définition précise des méthodes pour développer cette dernière, des œuvres et des auteurs à considérer comme référents dans ce domaine et d’un langage qui puisse être partagé par la communauté des chercheurs et compris par le grand public. L’analyse du monde numérique doit donc être en premier lieu une réflexion sur la culture numérique et non seulement sur les outils. Pareillement, avec le changement des supports, des modalités de publication, des mécanismes de visibilité, d’accessibilité et de circulation des contenus, c’est l’ensemble de notre rapport au savoir qui se trouve remis en question. Il est nécessaire de mettre en place une recherche qui puisse avoir une fonction structurante dans le développement d’une théorie et d’une pensée du numérique mais aussi dans l’implémentation de nouveaux outils de recherche et de visualisation conçus pour les humanités. Le numérique touche désormais l’ensemble de notre vie. Nous vivons dans une société numérique et dans une culture numérique. Les transformations qui ont engendré ce monde numérique se sont produites très rapidement et n’ont pas laissé le temps de développer une réflexion structurée capable de les comprendre. Il est impératif de créer au plus vite des repères théoriques permettant de situer notre culture numérique par rapport à notre vision du monde et aux catégories conceptuelles qui ont structuré nos valeurs, nos traditions et notre imaginaire.

    Replicating Fortier's THEME System for Digital Text Analysis

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    In 1971, Paul Fortier created a computer program to save significant time in analyzing French literary theme words connected to semantic fields. The system, aptly called THEME, harnessed the capabilities of computer-generated keyword concordances with frequency and distribution calculations to create research reports for user-defined literary themes. Fortier's system represents a significant achievement for digital humanities, not only due to its impressive capabilities but also for the precedents the system created in conceptualizing the role of the computer in text analysis. This paper discusses efforts to recover the THEME system and create a working approximation of the system in Python. This effort is part of Stéfan Sinclair and Geoffrey Rockwell's Epistemologica project that seeks to recover, valorize, and interpret historical text analysis in the humanities

    A Short History and Demonstration of the Dynamic Table of Contexts

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    This paper presents a brief account of the form and function of the “table of contents” to establish a theoretical framework for understanding the form and function of this common element of book architecture with the aim of informing the development of a dynamic table of contexts for books and reading in the digital medium. This paper will thus theorize the relationship between textual studies and interface design in INKE, a project for Implementing New Knowledge Environments

    Drilling for Papers in INKE

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    In this article, we discuss the first year research plan for the INKE interface design team, which focuses on a prototype for chaining. Interpretable as a subclass of Unsworths scholarly primitive of discovering, chaining is the process of beginning with an exemplary article, then finding the articles that it cites, the articles they cite, and so on until the reader begins to get a feel for the terrain. The chaining strategy is of particular utility for scholars working in new areas, either through doing background work for interdisciplinary interests or else by pursuing a subtopic in a domain that generates a paper storm of publications every year. In our prototype project, we plan to produce a system that accepts a seed article, tunnels through a number of levels of citation, and generates a summary report listing the most frequent authors and articles. One of the innovative features of this prototype is its use of the experimental oil and water interface effect, which uses text animation to provide the user with a sense of the underlying process

    The Beginning, The Middle, and The End: New Tools for the Scholarly Edition

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    This article discusses a set of prototypes currently being designed and created by the Interface Design team of the Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) project. These prototypes attempt to supplement the user experience in reading digital scholarly editions, by supporting a set of tasks that are straightforward in a digital environment but in a print edition would be sufficiently more difficult as to be prohibitive. We therefore offer these experimental prototypes as a collection of new affordances for the scholarly edition, although they may reasonably be extended, with some variation, to other kinds of digital text

    The Beginning, The Middle, and The End: New Tools for the Scholarly Edition

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    This article discusses a set of prototypes currently being designed and created by the Interface Design team of the Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) project. These prototypes attempt to supplement the user experience in reading digital scholarly editions, by supporting a set of tasks that are straightforward in a digital environment but in a print edition would be sufficiently more difficult as to be prohibitive. We therefore offer these experimental prototypes as a collection of new affordances for the scholarly edition, although they may reasonably be extended, with some variation, to other kinds of digital text

    SAToRBase: A Database of Topoi for French Literature

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